How to sterilize soil? 如何给土壤消毒?

How to sterilize soil? 如何给土壤消毒?

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Soil sterilization helps you kill off the pests and fungi that can wreak havoc on your garden. It’s especially useful if you’ve struggled with a disease in the past. Sterilization is effective against:

  • Bacteria like those that cause Verticillium wilt, Fusarium wilt, damping off, root rot, tomato canker, Southern blight, and more
  • Nematodes
  • Viruses
  • Weeds


How to Sterilize Soil

(1)Solarization 太阳能消毒:高温暴晒

这是最简单的方法,也是很实用的,在春夏秋季,阳光最强烈的时候,尤其是大中午,把盆土摊开放在阳光底下的瓷砖上,或者水泥地上,暴晒几天。如果有小虫子,虫卵之类的很讨厌,可以放一个密封的桶里或者塑料袋子里,口密封起来,然后放在阳光强烈,温度高的地方,闷十天. 曝晒可以杀死土壤中大量的孢子病菌,各种有害昆虫的卵。


Prepare your soil by raking away debris and dirt clods. You don’t want air pockets between the plastic and the earth. Irrigate well before covering. Use a transparent or clear plastic to allow the sun’s rays to pass through the plastic and get trapped underneath. In cooler areas, use black plastic because it holds heat better and discourages weeds.

This method of sterilization requires an extended amount of time, around 4-6 weeks, of full sun exposure to do its job. The process raises soil temperatures and helps break down plant matter, which eventually increases nutrient availability for your plants.

Covering beds with plastic helps to increase the soil temperature and suffocates weeds and pathogens in the earth. It’s a sterilization method that’s less likely to harm beneficial microbes, but certain heat-tolerant diseases may be able to survive the baking period.

Solarization is a popular method for killing weeds, though some aggressive plants may have no trouble surviving the prolonged exposure to hot temperatures, particularly perennial weed varieties.

(2)Oven heating 烤炉加热消毒

For smaller batches, you can sterilize your soil in an oven. Place soil in an oven-safe container and bake until it reaches an internal temperature of 180°F. Don’t go higher than that because it can release toxins into your air. Allow the soil to cool, and it’s ready to go.


(3)Microwave heating 微波炉加热消毒

Fill a microwave-safe dish with soil and cover. Poke a few holes into the covering to ventilate, or leave the lid partially off. Microwave for 90 seconds or so until the soil reaches 180°F.

(4)Steam 蒸汽消毒

Steam is another excellent way to sterilize your soil. You can steam soil using a pressure cooker, in the oven or on the stove.

To steam using the oven, place soil in an oven-proof container, cover it with foil, and place it on a rack in the top third of the oven. Place a container filled with water on a rack in the bottom third of the oven. Place a lid on the water container, leaving a small section open so the steam can escape. Heat until the water starts boiling and steam comes out. Do this for 30 minutes. On the stove fill a saucepan with 1″ of water and bring to a boil. Add enough soil to come just below the rim of the pan. Simmer for 15 minutes.


(5)Boiling 开水消毒


(6)Using fungicide 药物消毒

  1. 在土里加一些杀虫药 - 百菌灵。
  2. 生石灰消毒: 石灰粉有很多好处,不仅可以杀灭病菌和虫卵,又可以中和土壤的酸性,因此普遍在南方的土地上使用。具体做法就是在翻整后的土地上,按每平方米三十到四十克的用量撒施。
  3. 用福尔马林或高锰酸钾进行消毒 可在每立方米培养土中均匀地撒上福尔马林500毫升加水50倍的稀释液,然后把土堆积在一起,上盖塑料薄膜,密闭1~2天 去掉覆盖物并把培养土摊开,待福尔马林气体完全挥发后便可。
  4. 酒精消毒 一种无公害的土壤消毒方法。先将土壤深翻20-30cm,用喷雾器将酒精喷淋于土壤表面,用透光性较好的普通农用地膜封闭地表,封闭时间为10-20天,播种或定植。酒精的浓度为2%-5%,每667m2地酒精用量为2-3千克。应用范围为由病原真菌、细菌、线虫等引起的多种设施蔬菜的土传病害如猝倒病、立枯病及枯萎病等具有很好的防治效果。这种方法效果显著,具有太阳能和酒精双重杀菌作用,无毒无害。该方法操作简便,成本低廉,广泛应用于连作重茬严重的保护地蔬菜生产引起的土传病害防治。

    这种消毒法是千叶县农业综合研究中心等机构的研究人员开发的。研究人员说,酒精能降低土壤内含氧量,从而起到灭虫效果。 这种新的消毒方法可轻松杀灭土壤中害虫和病原菌,消毒效果几乎等同于溴甲烷,而后者因为会破坏臭氧层被禁用。酒精几天后就会在土壤中分解,不会对环境造成影响。






How to Avoid the Need for Sterilization

  • Practice proper crop rotation. Rotating crops on a cycle helps to prevent pest infestations and thus disease transmission to your plants.
  • Implement healthy soil management practices, like testing the soil before fertilizing, improving soil consistency and nutrient content by adding compost, and limiting how much you disrupt the ground.
  • Stick to a regular weeding schedule. If weeds are a problem in your garden, an alternative to sterilization is to dig out and remove problem weeds.
  • Sterilize your equipment to prevent a transfer of pathogens. Avoid transferring diseases by doing the same with garden implements and tools. Sterilize by soaking them in diluted bleach at the end or start of the season.

When it the Right Time to Sterilize Soil?

Soil sterilization may be the best option for large scale growers who require an efficient and quick method for dealing with weeds, disease, and pests. For home gardeners, methods like solarization are a solid option if your garden is plagued with disease and pests that continue to return each year.

How to prevent root rot 如何预防根腐病?

  1. 精选种子:

How to root rot 根腐病?

Potting mixes should be free of disease.


